
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Apron Experiment

Good morning Ladies!

I am such a sucker for a pretty apron.  I could easily spend way too much time browsing for a new one, and for me one apron is just not enough. 

My appreciation for aprons came a year or so after I married, at that time I realized how wearing an apron can save your clothes from countless stains while cooking.  At that time I had just the one apron, a basic apron with no bells or whistles ;)   Fast forward to about 5 years ago and when my husband asked what I wanted for Christmas I asked for a new apron, a pretty apron.  There starts my minor obsession with aprons.

I titled this post "The Apron Experiment" for those who don't wear aprons on a regular basis and who don't know the power of an apron  ;)  

"She looketh well to the way of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness."
Proverbs 31:27

I'm sure many of you have read that verse- maybe you even have it memorized.  It's one of those verses that encourages me to get up and moving.  God is really the one with the power to change a life, He can speak to your heart in ways you need.  I give all glory and praise to the Lord when He changes my way of thinking,

or speaking,

or acting. 

But can I tell you that there's also this funny thing that happens when you put on an apron, there's power in a pretty apron that can get you up and moving.  Perhaps it's because it is hard to sit around and be lazy when you have a pretty apron on, you're not doing that apron justice by being idle. 

But can I also tell you, before you can really appreciate the pretty apron, you really need to do two things ahead of time:

1.  Start your day with the Lord.  Like I said, God is the one with the power to change a life, we can't do it on our own, we need the Lord to give us strength each day to have a happy and sweet attitude.  To work hard throughout the day we need God's grace.  To get past our failures and weaknesses we need God's mercies.  Remember they are New Every Morning!  So we need to start each morning by spending time at the feet of Jesus, giving the Lord that time to change us and mold us to want He wants us to be.  A pretty apron won't do anything for us if we skip our quiet time with the Lord.

"My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O Lord; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up."  Psalm 5:3

"I have set the Lord always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.  Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoiceth: my flesh also shall rest in hope."  Psalm 16:8-9

2.  A pretty apron also won't do anything for us if we don't put some effort into our appearance.  I know the Lord looks at the heart of a person, but are we really giving our best to our husband, our kids, or God when we look shabby or like we just don't care?  If you work outside the home you put effort into your appearance, well it should be the same if you stay at home.  We should want to look our best for our family, shouldn't we?  Now I'm not saying you need to wear your "Sunday Best", but perhaps take a few minutes to get dressed (in something other than sweatpants and a shabby t-shirt), do your hair, and put on some makeup.  I know from experience, if I don't get dressed and ready for the day first thing in the morning, then I feel lazy and I end up being idle.  Covering up our shabbiness with a pretty apron is just silly in my opinion. 

"As a jewel of gold in a swine's snout, so is a fair woman which is without discretion."  Proverbs 11:22

I know that verse is talking about something different, but honestly that's the way I feel when I try to pretty up my appearance with just an apron.   Under that apron is hair that is messed up, a face that looks tired and without makeup, ratty clothes, etc.  It's like that ring in the nose of a pig- kind of silly, isn't it?

So, who is tired of being idle?  Who wants to change their lazy ways into something productive and worthwhile?  Who is ready to give their family their best? 

I don't find it ironic that the verse immediately following Proverbs 31:27 is this one:

"Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her."  vs.28

When we put effort into our family and into our homemaking, then our family will bless us and praise us.  Oh, they may not show their appreciation every single day but they will look back on their time at home with fondness, with a love for us, knowing that we gave them our best. 

For the next 2 weeks I'd like to invite you to do this "apron experiment" along with me.  I guarantee you that if you start your day with the Lord, get yourself  ready for the day, then put on a pretty apron, that your day will go so much more smoothly.  Starting your day with the Lord is the single most important thing you can do, but then getting dressed and putting yourself together will make you feel better about yourself.  The cherry on top is that apron!  You'll feel ready to give your family your best, you won't feel so much like sitting around and being lazy, you'll want to accomplish things in your day.  It's an experiment, so give it a try!

Let me know how it goes, I'd love to hear how this apron experiment worked for you!


  1. I love aprons too. I have about 15 I think. Most of mine have PINK in them since that is my favorite color. I never thought in these lines how an apron made you feel, but I am going to take notice. I do not wear them regularly, but my husband loves for me to wear one.

    You are so right about getting up and getting dressed. It makes me feel so sluggish to stay in a housecoat too long.

    GOD BLESS!!!

  2. I love aprons too, Julianne, but I didn't realize how much til I started wearing skirts full time. However, I only have one apron at the moment. After seeing these photos, I think I'll be making more. :)

  3. nice post thanks for sharing looking for to visit more...blessings

  4. I absolutely love aprons so much I collect prize apron from Finland is a Marimekko! I Wish I would have found one in Estonia when I visited there. Thx for this lovely post!
