
Friday, May 6, 2011

Nature's beverage

"But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life."  John 4:14

I love this passage of scripture speaking about the woman at the well.  Just like the woman, we are all sinners who need a Saviour.  God knows everything about us, there is nothing we can hide from Him.  And once we are saved we ought to be excited to witness to others about what God has done for us.  After speaking to Jesus, she ran back home and told the others: "Come, see a man", we can do the same thing, we can be a witness of the Living Water! 

And speaking of water...I remember as a child hardly ever drinking soda pop. My parents very rarely ever bought it when we were younger, and it was the same thing for my husband as he was growing up. As we grew older I remember that my mom or dad might bring home a 6-pack of soda once every now and then, but by that time I didn't want it. To this day I still don't like the taste of coke or pepsi, every now and then I'll have a 7-up, but I'd much rather drink water, juice or milk. I attribute this to being raised on these drinks. We don't usually buy soda pop here at our house unless we are having company, or I'll buy some diet cokes for my husband if they're on sale- as a special treat for him.
My kids are water-drinkers, and I'm so thankful for that.  They don't usually drink any soda pop and I don't usually buy drink boxes, but I know they like to carry around drinks like they see others do. So, when my husband and I were doing some Christmas shopping this past year we saw some small kids sized water bottles that we thought would be perfect for our four kids. The lids unscrew for easy filling but to take a drink they only have to pull up the top and then push it back down when done. I think we only paid about $1.50 for each one and they love them! They each have their own color top so they don't get mixed up either. If we are going out and we know the kids will need something to drink later on then we take their water bottles out of the fridge. When they ask for a drink I remind them to get their water bottle from the fridge, the water is always cold!
The small size and convenience of these water bottles are perfect, and not to mention- the water is so much better for them than soda pop and sugary juices.

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