
Friday, May 27, 2011

Morning Sickness that lasts ALL day!

Happy Friday everyone!  I've not been around so much lately but I thought I'd do a quick post since I have a few minutes.  We found out that we are expecting our fifth baby!  This is so exciting for us and we can't wait to meet the new little one in January.  After I had my fourth baby 3 years ago we weren't sure if we would have anymore children.  I knew I was up to having more if the Lord wanted us to, but my husband was quite happy with our four.  I knew I would never try to talk him into having another one, I wanted it to be something that he truly wanted as well, so I started praying about a year ago that the Lord would change his heart about having more.  The Lord answered my prayers!  About 4 months ago my dear husband told me that he would like to have another baby, oh happy day!  Just about 2 weeks ago we took the test and it was postivie, we feel so blessed! 

Almost exactly a week after I took the test I started having morning sickness, unfortunately my morning sickness lasts all day.  A few times throughout the day I feel pretty good, but then without warning it starts back up again.  I'm unable to just lay down all day to help me feel better, there is still a house to run. 

My question for you ladies is this:  What has helped you with morning sickness?

I'm sure you all have some good advice that you can share, I'm looking forward to hearing what has helped for you.


  1. How exciting! Praise God, What a Blessing!!

    When I was pregnant I had morning sickness ALL day that lasted ALL pregnancy... - Very little seemed to help it too.

    Staying as hydrated as possible and eating small amounts helped some only for a little while. I really enjoyed watermelon and frozen crushed apple juice & lots of rest.

    A lovely lady I know suffers from extreme morning sickness and has so many wonderful tips and a great book on her website here: Although my morning sickness wasn't nearly as bad as hers I definitely found some ways to ease the nausea through reading her information.

    I hope you find some ways to feel better soon!

    Blessings to you!

  2. Mine lasted all day too. What helped at one time didn't at another time. I found that smelling lavender helped me the most. Looking back I think that if I had started snacking it would have helped. (I forget to eat until I'm ravenous most of my life)

  3. Thanks ladies for the sweet advice. I have made it a point to stay hydrated, and I've been putting lemon slices in my water which helps some too. And I have had to make myself eat, when I feel sick the last thing I want to do is eat, but I know it helps to eat small amounts throughout the day.
    Thanks againn!
