
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Changes are a comin'

Wow!  2013 was the last time I posted anything here!  But I've been around, just not here.  :)

Like the title says, Changes are a comin'.  Since 2013 I've realized there are many facets of my life, and those don't all fit into one pretty little category.  I've been involved in homemaking and housekeeping, mothering and wife-ing, youth work at church, home improvements projects, prepping (to some degree), gardening, simplifying, exercising, reading, crafting and decorating, and the list could go on.
Since 2013 four of my five kids went to school full time, my husband and I took a group of teens from church on a mission trip to Fiji, my kids started school sports and 4-H, I re-did my kitchen cabinets "on a dime", and we took a family trip to Hawaii for Spring Break.  (and that's just a few things on the list)

Life. Is. Busy.!!

I know I'm not the only one leading a busy life.  I'm sure each of you could give me a list of activities on your list too.
Over the past couple years I've thought about chronicling my endeavors on this blog, but it never seemed to be the right time.  

Until now.

But to do it right I need to make some changes first.  Changes to this blog.
I need categories.  For someone who is a list-maker and a category-lover I'm surprised I've never done it before.
I love categories and I'll be adding quite a few.  This mom wears many hats- because I'm a wife/mom/homemaker there should be a category for that.  I've recently done quite a few home improvement projects, so there should be a category for that.  I've been involved with healthy eating and exercising so there will be a category for that.  Prepping, gardening, decorating, etc.  The category list could go on and on.

I'm not planning on overwhelming you (or myself for that matter), but I think that some changes need to be made.  Change is exciting!
My family has a lot going on in the next few months.  We are preparing to have a Lexar home built, I'm in the early stages of going back to work as a nurse, I'm also just starting the 21 Day Fix program.

Lots of things happening around here.
So I hope you'll follow along on this journey of Change!
Enjoy this beautiful day and check back soon!