
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

My little harvest home

This is just about my most favorite season of the year! 
I love the Fall season, or Autumn, or whatever you call it.

I think the reason being is that it almost feels like a fresh start to me.  Oh I know January is technically the 'fresh start month', but a lot of times I think of September and October as my fresh start months.

The weather starts cooling off in the last part of September, and usually that's the time I start decorating.  I just can't seem to start my harvest decorating when the weather is still in the 90's, it just doesn't seem right to me.  :)

So last week when the mornings were finally a little cool and crisp, when hot coffee sounded good again, and I had some extra money to buy some fall-colored mums, I decided to start my decorating.

Here are just a few pictures of how I've changed my little summer house into my little harvest home:
This is my front door and the wreath I've had for years and years.  I just change out the ribbon and any accesories to fit the season.  I already had this ribbon and fall accesory in my box of decorations so this change cost me nothing.  Last year I bought both at the Dollar Tree, costing me a whopping $2 total!

This is my old window I bought about 12 years ago at a little roadside antique store, it was outside amongst a bunch of old tools and stuff, I got it for $15 and then took it home and had to take off about 3 other layers of paint, but I just love it!  (Even though my dear husband doesn't understand the idea of old windows as decor.)  I always have the raffia on the top but this year I bought a 9 foot leaf garland at Fred Meyer for $3.99 and added just about 2 feet to the top to make it look a little more harvesty.

And the rest of the garland I added to the top of my kitchen window.  I love how it adds just a bit of color above my white kitchen curtains.  It's hard to see but I also bought a wooden leaf decoration at Fred Meyer for $4.99 and hung it on the side of the cupboards, just below that I put (on a little easel) my Fall Gooseberry Patch cookbook.  It has a cute country cover on it and leaving it on the counter allows me to pick it up easily to look through.

Here's the cover, isn't it cute?  The book is called Celebrate Autumn, I just love it!

Here's a little shelf I have in my home, usually it has a different candle on the shelf, and I always have the little sign that says Great is Thy Faithfulness, because I love it.  The color is something between a dark pumpkin and a terra cotta, so it's perfect to keep on the shelf.  I added a harvest candle and a couple little wooden pumpkins that I have had for many years.  The sign hanging on the bottom I kept on because I just love what it says, "Remember the days blessings, Forget the days troubles".

This is my built-in corner china hutch with my collection of teacups and teapots, along with a few other little treasures.  At the top I always have the red berry garland and the red candle holder, this year I just added a few faux leaves I had on hand and just stuck them in among the garland, it added a bit of a fall touch to that corner of the room.

And you ask, what happened to the mums I bought?? 

Unfortunately the deer found them (even though they are right by the front door), can you see where they ate off all the beautiful little flowers from the front but couldn't quite get the yellow ones in the back?  Darn deer!  I was so disappointed when I woke up and saw this!  So I had to buy two more yesterday.

And here they are just waiting to be planted, I'm putting it off until I can figure out how to keep the deer from eating these too.  Any ideas?  What about plastic grocery bags over the top?  Hmmmm....  I'll have to think about this one.

So, that's my little harvest home.   Hope you enjoyed it, I'd love it if you shared links to your harvest decorated homes too.

Modern Vintage Homemaking


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

What a Whirlwind!

It's been quite a whirlwind lately, these past couple months have been anything but low-key.  Some exciting times, some trials, some crazy, some scary, and in the end a wonderful eye-opening experience from the Lord that I'll share with you in the future. 

"This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope.
It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.
They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.
The Lord is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in him.
The Lord is good unto them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh him.
It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the LORD."
Lamentations 3:21-26

Last time I posted was in August- whoa, that seems like so very long ago!  Because of everything going on in my life during that time I felt I needed to take a real break from the lovely land of blog, so that's what I did.  But now, almost 2 months later, I feel like I'm ready to get back into it.  I have lots of ideas running around in my head of posts I want to write, pictures I want to put up, thoughts I want to share, and experiences I have gone through. 

"O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: because his mercy endureth for ever."
Psalm 18:1

I'm so thankful you all are still here and I hope you'll stick around for more to come, here's a little hint of what's to come (I love posting pictures during the holidays).

See you soon (with pictures)!